Saturday, February 22, 2014

The Fellowship of the Ringwraiths

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Greetings, my dear readers!  I apologize for my long absence.  Life has recently become busy.  That, and I've been on a media fast for a few days.
Anyway, I found this hilarious video on Youtube, and I just had to share it with you.  It had me almost dying of laughter.  XD
I hope you enjoy it!  Let me know in the comments.  And don't forget to check in soon to see some book and movie reviews, including A Tale of Two Castles, by Gail Carson Levine, and The Importance of Being Earnest!  

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(DISCLAIMER: I do not own Lord of the Rings, Middle Earth, or any of said franchise.  I did not make this video, nor do I have any claim to it.  My compliments, congratulations, and thanks to those who do.  :)


  1. That was hilarious. xD I'm glad to see you back blogging again, and I look forward to hearing what you thought of A Tale of Two Castles!

  2. OKAY. THIS IS HILARIOUS. Thank you so much for sharing!
