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J.J. Abrams' reimagining of the Star Trek universe was a pleasant surprise for me. I am a fan of the original series, and while I have not seen every single episode, nor do I know every detail about that continuity, I do know quite a bit. And I thought that Abrams did a great job of creating a fresh look on the story while remaining faithful to the old version. For the nerds, there were nods to TOS all over the place, and for the new fans, there was enough explanations to fill in the blanks.
The story itself was also good. While it wasn't an incredibly deep, psychological plot, it was fast-paced and exciting, and you got to see the relationships of the crew members unfold in a delightful way.
The opening sequence won me over right away. I won't give any spoilers, for those of you who have not seen the movie, but suffice to say that it made me cry. And I don't cry for movies. In my lifetime, I can remember crying only twice- once for* **SPOILER*** Boromir's death in The Fellowship of the Rings,***END SPOILER*** and once during Anne of Green Gables.
Still, when Star Trek's opening sequence came along, the tears were rolling down my face uncontrollably. Congratulations to the director, script-writers, and actors- especially Chris Hemsworth!
One of the most fun parts of the movie for me was seeing how much the new actors look like the old actors! I was so impressed. The casting was excellent, and the actors did a great job of taking their cues from the cast of the original series. They are their own characters, of course, but they have included so many of the quirks and mannerisms of the old characters. It me laugh with approval. :D
The cons; swearing, violence (mostly fistfights, I believe), and a few scantily-clad women. There is rather intimate scene that lasts for only a few seconds, but should probably be skipped, especially for younger viewers.
There is a torture scene. Nothing terribly graphic is shown, but what they are about to do *SPOILER*(sending a harmful insect down someone's throat)*END SPOILER* is clearly implied.
Overall, I would recommend the movie sci-fi, action, and Star Trek fans 14 and up.
Another five star film in my book!
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-Rayne Speryll